The history of golf - everything you need to know

Golf has been around for a very long time, with a rich history that stretches back through the centuries. Opinions over the origins of the game can be divided, but it’s widely accepted that it evolved from stick and ball games that were being played in Europe during the Middle Ages. The golf clubs and equipment that we use today have evolved significantly since these days, but it’s interesting to know where they first came from.

So in this article, we'll delve into the history of golf - so, swot up on the timeline so you can impress your friends with your knowledge on your next round!

1500s - The origins of early golf

An old Dutch sport called "kolf" involved hitting a ball into a target using a wooden club, just like early forms of golf, and it’s very likely that this is how golf first came into being. But golf as we know it really took off in Scotland during the 15th century, and The Old Course at St. Andrews, established in 1552, is now one of the oldest golf courses in the world.

1744 – The first golf rules are established

In 1744, the ‘Gentlemen Golfers of Leith’ held the first official golf competition, coming up with some of the earliest known rules and establishing early golf etiquette for the game. More and more people started hearing about golf, and it wasn’t long before new courses were opening, both in Scotland and further afield.

1812 – Golf’s governing body is appointed

In 1811, Mary Leith won the first recorded ladies’ golf tournament in Scotland, and In 1812, the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R&A) became golf’s governing body, implementing a more formalised set of rules that would go on to be adopted worldwide.

1888 – Golf reaches America

The Saint Andrew's Golf Club, New York, was established in 1888, and the United States Golf Association (USGA) was founded in 1894. They are also credited with introducing the first golf handicapping system.

1916 - The PGA is formed

The Professional Golfers' Association of America (PGA) was formed in 1916, and major championships like the Masters and the U.S. Open were set up where now-legendary golfers like Jack Nicklaus, Bobby Jones and Ben Hogan made their names.

Early 1900s – Golf is featured in the Olympics

In 1900 and 1904 golf was featured in the Olympics, but it disappeared again soon after - largely because of the challenging logistics and a lack of popularity. But in 2016, golf finally made its much-anticipated Olympic comeback at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

Late 1900s – Golf equipment becomes more sophisticated

Golf balls were originally made of wood, but in the late 19th century a rubber-core ball became available which had a huge impact on golfers’ distance and overall performance. Golf club design became more sophisticated too, with precision milling and advanced engineering heavily influencing the look and feel of the drivers, irons and putters we know and love today.

Rubber core golf balls and a club on the green near the pin

2020 - The World Handicap System is introduced

In November 2020, the World Handicap System (WHS) was introduced - a global system allowing a level playing field wherever you play in the world. Before this, there were six different systems in operation across different countries, and it was causing some confusion. WHS solved that problem, while also factoring in the difficulty of each golf course along with your personal skill level.

So, that brings you up to the current day, where golf is perhaps more popular than it’s ever been before. With new courses springing up regularly, golf equipment constantly becoming more sophisticated, and new world-class golfers rising the ranks, golf’s popularity is still very much on the rise.

And of course, at golfclubs4cash we always do what we can to get as many new people into golf as possible, to continue this rich history. We’re doing this by making golf more affordable and supplying used golf clubs and equipment at a fraction of the price of new.

Browse our range of second hand golf clubs and equipment today.